
The Green Africa Group is committed to sustainable business practices and a number of policies and programmes are in place in the areas of:
     •    Economic empowerment
     •    Social responsibility
     •    Environment and safety

Economic Empowerment

Supportive of the South African government’s approach to economic transformation and empowerment, the Green Africa Group has made BEE a priority across its spread of companies. Cypress Transport and Green Africa International Travel currently lead the way.

Green Africa Group companies each have their own HR policies and procedures, which are designed to uplift employees. 

Across the Group, several businesses operate employee share incentive schemes.

Social Responsibility

A responsible corporate citizen, the Green Africa Group makes regular contributions towards fighting crime and community initiatives, such as Mr Crime Stop, community police forums, and cultural programmes and events.

The Group also sponsors Dragon Boat Racing and in 2006 gave the South African women’s team the support they needed to participate in the World Championships in Taiwan.

It’s the dream of Group Chief Executive, George Chen, to establish a Green Africa Small Business Foundation. Each company in the Group would contribute to the Foundation, which would direct the funds towards entrepreneurial development and training.

A number of high-profile partners are already in place and George’s vision is to replicate a tried and tested model that equips unemployed people with basic skills that enable them to earn a living by becoming self-employed (e.g. they’re taught to sew, fix shoes, cut keys, etc.). Since the majority of jobs in modern economies are created by the small business sector, George is optimistic that the Green Africa Foundation could make a real difference to alleviating South Africa’s unemployment situation.

Environment & Safety

A designated person has been appointed to manage the health and safety function and a comprehensive plan is in place, covering a range of issues, including:
•First aid training
•Risk management
•Support systems that facilitate work stoppages caused by power outages, etc.
•Emergency response handling
The Evergreen Marine Corporation and Italia Marittima, are also leaders in this space and have world-class policies and procedures to ensure crew safety at sea and in port, reduce cargo losses and protect marine life.